01/22/18: Suggested Pointers for H.E. Mr. Virachai Plasai, Ambassador and PR of Thailand to the UN, at the presentation of the SG report on the repositioning of the UN development system (convened by the President of the ECOSOC)

01/22/18: Suggested Pointers for H.E. Mr. Virachai Plasai, Ambassador and PR of Thailand to the UN, at the presentation of the SG report on the repositioning of the UN development system (convened by the President of the ECOSOC)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 ม.ค. 2561

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Suggested Pointers for H.E. Mr. Virachai Plasai, Ambassador and PR of Thailand to the UN,

at the presentation of the SG report on the repositioning of the UN development system

(convened by the President of the ECOSOC),
Monday 22 January 2018, 15.00 hrs.
654 words
Madame President,
1. I thank you for convening this important meeting today. I would also like to thank
Mr. Secretary General, Madame Deputy Secretary and their team for the
December report on the repositioning of the UN development system, as well as
the occasion that Mr. Secretary General presents this report formally to all of us
2. Thailand aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Permanent
Representative of Egypt on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Mr. Secretary General,
3. We appreciate the openness and transparency as the SG and the DSG have
continued to engage with Member States so far. We hope this would continue as
we need to debate further in details, which would require more exchanges of
information and clarifications, so that we all can advance this process holistically
and manage within the timelines.
4. I would like to commend you and your team for the efforts and hard work. We
find the report comprehensive, clear, well-organised, and well-aligned with the
mandates of the QCPR resolution. All of these are a good basis for us to work on.
5. Member States want this reform to put the UNDS in a better position to fulfill its
mandate to support Member States in the implementation of the 2030
Agenda. I’m glad that you have kept this mandate at the front and centre of
your efforts. This is clear from your second report, on which I have a number of
preliminary remarks.
6. First, empowering the RC is a sensible way to go, but it must be balanced with a
strong accountability mechanism. Also, an enhanced communication line with
the host government is necessary, as it helps ensure the alignment of the RC’s
work with national development priorities and plans.
7. Many of the times, RCs’ work is driven by each of their personalities and
characters. We recognise the merits of personal specialisation and passion in
specific issues. However, as the focus here is to implement the 2030 Development
Agenda, it is of utmost importance that the process of re-profiling the RC
include making sure that the RCs are genuine SDG persons. RCs should be
capable of leading the team and working closely with the host governments across
issues in advancing sustainable development agenda.
8. Second, we welcome the proposal to enable Member States to have a say in the
composition of the UN Country Teams. We look forward to learning how this
can actually be put to practice. The UNCT configurations need to be tailored to fit
different national development priorities and contexts.
9. Third, regarding the regional architecture, we support strengthening Regional
Economic Commissions’ role as think tanks to provide relevant, quality policy
advice and shape regional norms, standards and practices. We also think that
Regional Commissions can potentially do more in capacity building activities
and engagement with various stakeholders in the region. Cooperation under the
Regional Commissions can be expanded further to include non-governmental
actors such as the private sector, civil society and youth movements. The
Commissions can play a significant role in this regard by raising public
awareness, promote understanding of, and shape public opinions on global and
regional issues and agenda. They should also be put in a better position to interact
with other regional groupings and organisations, with a view to strengthening
implementation of the sustainable development agenda.
10. Fourth, we support as always partnership for development. We therefore
welcome the proposal in the report to strengthen various forms of partnerships
including between the UN and the private sector as well as South-South
Cooperation. We also believe local communities have great potentials as they can
offer many of their unique, practical and innovative development solutions on the
Mr. Secretary General,
11. Thailand will continue to engage and support your on-going reform effort in order
to make the United Nations fit the purpose for the benefits of the people.
12. I thank you.

